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We have a selection of videos and other media for you to look through below. If it's not on our homepage, you'll find it here to view! If media ever leaves the homepage, this will be it's new home. Here, you'll find videos of all sorts. If you'd like to comment your thoughts on a video, be sure to open the video in youtube and leave us feedback! Thank you for your support!
Teaser Trailer 2 - January 12, 2017


"The Flow of Time is Always Cruel" said Sheik once, so famously, in the Ocarina of Time. Watch the latest teaser for Legacy, where we introduce some new faces and reveal some characters you've been waiting (and perhaps hoping) to see come to life in Legacy.

Teaser Trailer 1 - November 19, 2016


"Don't Forget"


Our first teaser into the realm of Legacy.  Introduce yourselves to our Young Link, played by Chase Anderson, the lovable Saria, portrayed by Cosette Payne in her first film role, and Kyle Perkins as our heroic Link!

First Look Teaser Trailer - September 7th, 2016


This summer we filmed for 8 days and captured magical moments against all obstacles including heat and rain. We present a teaser trailer for you to see some of the images we've attained thus far and a look behind the scenes at how we created them.


We still have a block of shooting in November/December this year, including costuming our Ganondorf. We ask that you would donate to our project to help us see it finished. Take a look at our "Donate for Merchandise" page to help us with our funds. Thank you for your generosity, fellow adventurers!

The Script Video - March 7th, 2016


In this video members of our cast and crew talk about their impressions of the Legacy script and what's in store for our audience when it hits your screen in 2017!

Legacy Cast at Ohio Renaissance Fest -
October 10th, 2015
On October 10, 2015, director Stephonika W. Kaye took the three lead actors, Kyle Perkins (Link), Arielle Solkovica (Zelda), and Alex Foor (Ganondorf) out to the ORF grounds to mingle among its patrons and players to promote the film.  The response was even greater than we could have hoped.
Here our heroes make a child's day by letting him hold and pose with the shield and our princess.
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